Falling Back

My apologizes for not posting in a while: I haven't truely found the time to. But I'm here now and isn't that what really counts?

Earlier in the week I actually fell and landed on my back. A few days after my fall, I went to an amusement park, and yes I went on rollercoasters. I probably shouldn't have, but I'm not very sore and I take it as a good sign. The only thing was I was unable to push my harness over my head because of the strain and pain and I needed a friend to help me. But all in all it wasn't a very painful day. My friends and I took it very slowly with a lot of down time. I did most rides, except upside down rollercoaster: I've never been on one before and I don't like the idea of going upside down. I feel like they'd hurt my back and shoulders a lot.

Speaking of pain, Dr. Marc put me on a new medicine called Leflunomide. He said it's the same as methotrexate but less severe and I take it once I day. Two weeks later, so far so good.
Oh yes, also I've been working on a portrait of The Doctor (Doctor Who) for a great friend of mine. Perhaps I'll post it when I've finished?


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