Tomorrow May Change Everything

Tomorrow I shall leave my school and friends.
For I am going to the hospital.
It's actually a day filled with various appointments, so hopefully I'll bring nothing but very good news.
While I'm seeing my usual rheumatologist, I'm also seeing my kidney specialist to determine correct treatments for my current kidney affliction (Calcium Crystals). I'm trying to stay positive that everything will be just fine.
Also tomorrow I may be put on Enbrel, an immune surpressant. I'm nervous as some of the side effects don't seem too fun. One risk while taking Enbrel is a higher cancer risk, however this doesn't bother me as much as the higher chance of appendicitis (which requires an emergency operation to remove).
I'm not so much worried about actually getting appendicitis and being in a lot of pain. More so, I've been laughing and joking with my friends saying I'll get it while walkiing in a crowded corridor at school and people will have to walk over me or that I'll get it in swimming class while diving.
I like trying to turn my medical frown upside down. :)


  1. Good luck tomorrow! Sending lots of postive thoughts your way. I'm sure that whatever med you end up on will be the right one for you at this point and you'll do fine. You've got some great support. Let us know how you make out :)


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