Here's To a New Year

Here's to a Happy New Year! Wishing you a good year. It's come to my attention that this year hasn't really ended on the right foot, so I propose that 2013 become a peaceful year. Just a proposal, of course. Naturally, it's at this point in a post that I would tell you the current status of my health. Rather than writing of stiffness, pain and fighting through it, I'm rather happy to announce that despite the stiffness, pain and fighting through it, I'm doing quite well. Granted, I suppose the stiffness, pain and fighting isn't exactly considered 'doing quite well,' but it's much better than usual. I truly wish I could have started Enbrel earlier, if I had known what a good impact it would have on my life. Here's to starting a new year where chronical illness will be conquered by all.


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