I Want to Know What You Want to Read

I kind of hate retelling my day in a blog. I mean, when something actually happens it's nice to write but most of the time nothing happens. I seem to write generally about one subject or another. I like doing that the most. If anyone has any ideas for me to cover, would like me to write about something, has any questions for me or would like my opinion on something, let me know in the comments or send me an Email at girlwitharthritis@yahoo.com .
Thanks :)


  1. I am just perusing your blog for the first time. I have to say that you should just keep on writing whatever comes to mind, because so far, you are dead on. At least in my humble opinion. You had me at, "cry pain away." I, too, have PsA. I hope you feel better, as I hope I do, too. Keep on writing!

    1. Hello! Thanks for reading :)
      And thank you again: I try and write to relate with others, and I'm happy that I have (well, not the reason to relate, anyway). I do hope you feel better too!


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