Inspiration for Tomorrow

I don't know why, but it's been a rather quiet day. It's been a uninspirational day as well: I abandoned about three projects in one hour. But that has seemed to be a trend with everyone, not just me.
Today I would like to share some of my favourite quotes to inspire a happier, more productive tomorrow.

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney
"Despite everything you've been told, you can be bold beyond what others believe you to be. So see in yourself what you wish others to see. Be brave in a way that others may never know. Live like the under-tow that catches and keeps stars spread across the night. Shine in the dark places. Lend the world your light." -"Shine" by Shane Kozycan
“Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make. Good. Art.” ~Neil Gaiman

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“Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make. Good. Art.” ~Neil Gaiman

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“Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make. Good. Art.” -Neil Gaiman

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet

“Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make. Good. Art.” ~Neil Gaiman

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"Just keep swimming." -Dory (Find Nemo).



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