Medical Communication

I think there is a lot of communication in the world. Cellphones have made it so an individual can be reached in a moments notice. The Internet has made it easier than ever to be connected with others from countries half way across the world from you. We even have more travel opportunities than ever before.

However, as much as we would like to say people communicate more wisely today, we really can't. Our communication can only go so far. In the medical world, communication is a very complicated thing. It can go several ways and is different for every person.

 A patient may be in extreme pain and can express that pain, but for whatever reason that pain may not be  received by a nurse or doctor. A doctor can recommend a treatment, but a patient can reject it without hearing the explanation of why it's needed, the consequences of not having it, and the benefits. A doctor or nurse may not communicate with a patient or quickly dismiss them. And there are many other examples of things that happen every single day for whatever reason.

I think we often forget that in order to be treated, it takes two parties of the same variety: People. A person who needs help and people who can help need to communicate openly. There is usually two sides to every story, but regardless it is imminent that the two are able to connect. I understand a person in medicine may not want to get too emotionally close to a patient, and I also understand a person who needs help may not be comfortable. But unfortunately, medicine is intimate. People helping people, people depending on people.


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