My Nude Figure Lesson

Someone once told me the best way to get better at drawing is to draw the body. I still agree it's probably the best way to become better at drawing. Most artists who went to school to study art- and even some who didn't- have taken at least one figure drawing class. A nude figure drawing class, specifically. I have takens loads of those and it made me a better artist. It also made me grossed out of old men for a whilst, but that's a different story. Anyway, the class taught me more than just drawing skills though.

It showed me how different we all are. When we're little, we talk about how girls and boys are different. On blogs like this, We talk about people with disabilities and those without them having different bodies. But it seems like sometimes we forget that everyone is so different, and absolutely no one is perfect. We all have those imperfections we really hate about ourselves, and I've seen on other people: large surgical scars, wiry frames, a little extra fluff here and there, discolouration and lots of other things. No two bodies will ever be the same, not even those of identical twins.

Those imperfections however, are just the opposite: They're perfect. From an artists point of view, it would be so boring to draw a perfectly proportioned person, with perfect skin and perfect features all the time. Our differences are interesting. They give a body character and a story. It's only with these personal details that we can see beauty in the body and that we can celebrate it.

Be proud of your body. Love it. Love your features and celebrate them. You're beautiful, whether you realise it or not.


  1. I took a figure drawing class in college, way back in the longago, Elizabeth, and you're absolutely right. We are all beautiful, regardless of "flaws." It's so easy to get lost in the criticism of imperfection imposed upon us by our culture; it's good to be reminded now and then that it's small-minded and wrong. Thank you for another excellent post. You are indeed an artist.

    1. No matter how thick skinned a person is, it's so easy for the critism over our bodies to get into our minds. I think seeing is believing in this case. :)

  2. This post made me smile today :). Thank you, Elizabeth. Your words are very true. Our scars tell a story of what we've experienced and overcome in life. Like Wren said, there is such pressure to be "perfect" in our society, especially as young women. There are so many ways to cover "imperfections" through make-up, clothing etc. and we are encouraged to hide our scars instead of celebrate them.Posts like yours are so refreshing to read - I wish this post could be published in every fashion magazine so all young women could read it :)

    1. Thank you very much! :)
      Sometimes I wish it could be that easy to undo the damage that media has done:


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