Heel Cups

Heel pain is very common with psoriatic arthritis. I'm not am exception to that. Some mornings I wake up feeling as if I slammed my heels into the pavement for six hours straight. In fact, sometimes I imagine that cutting off my heel would feel better that living with it. Walking isn't always pleasent either: It can feel like walking on spikes. Recently my rheumatologist gave me a miracle:

Heel Cups.

They're just like they sound: Little foam wedges that cup and cushion your heels. They're like shock absorbers for your feet. And gosh, it's like a piece of heaven in your shoes. I've worn them in two pairs of shoes and so far they've fit both well. That's surprising considering I already have enough 'equipment' in my shoes as it.

Anyhow, heel pain or not I highly recommend looking into getting a pair. They do absorb the impact of walking (or rather, limping) and make it easier on your feet and other joints. Look for foam ones that are thick: They offer the most support and comfort, compared to gel ones that can squish and make your feet slide around. Anything for happy feet, of course!


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