
Humans are not usually a solitary species. We form pacts and herds: Sometimes our pacts are brought together by blood, and others a common interest. Some pacts intimidate and others are together because they feel intimidated. It's perfectly normal to want to be in a group and belong. However, there is nothing wrong with being alone.

It takes a strong person to stand on their own, though they may not feel strong at the time. In fact, they may not feel confident at all and long for their own group. But there is bravery in a person who walks into a new area, filled with new people for the first time. They know the opertunity that is involved with leaving their group, but that first step is walking alone.  There are many an opportunity we would miss if we hadn't been alone.

Our groups intimidate, while one who is not afraid of the idea of eating alone is not. They may find they get chances they would never have if they were in a group. People would be too afraid to speak to them, or figure they would not want to branch out when they are constantly accompanied. Being alone invites new conversations to begin. When we are alone, we may go where others normally would not. And if you hadn't been alone,  you wouldn't have  discovered the treasures that are awaiting us.

But many don't feel this way. They feel inadequate if they cannot prove to the public that they have friends, which is human nature. It's scary to walk around alone, in a world where groups can seem closed off from you. However, I ask you to take a walk by yourself. Do something alone. You may meet a new friend or discover a place your friends may never go. And even if you don't, you showed the world your confidence in standing alone.

Alone is not a bad thing if you are not lonely. Anyway, one can feel perfectly lonely in a large group.


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