
I'm terrible at posting lately. I don't have much to say medically that is much different from what it was a few weeks ago. I can't bend my elbows for too long before they get stiff and painful. I cannot touch my chin to my chest. My muscles are very tense. I'd like to slice my heels off. It's the basic life of a psoriatic arthritis patient.

But, I'm very excited for this coming weekend. I'm going away with a large group, just getting away from it all about two hours away. We're going to the ocean, and some of my friends even plan to take a quick swim! I will be safely on the side watching though- don't want my fingers going completely blue, the nails are enough! I really need this weekend trip to get away and clear my head. I'm hoping my body will feel better as my soul does.

Anyway, pictures will be coming!


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