Looking for a Supportive Community? Check Out Healthline's Psoriatic Arthritis App

While I've always loved to write, the true reason I created The Girl with Arthritis was to meet others with arthritis, especially those dealing with psoriatic arthritis. Being diagnosed with PsA was such an isolating time, and I desperately wanted to reach out to others going through the same thing as me.

So when Healthline reached out and asked if I would help them launch their new app devoted to those with psoriatic arthritis, I was so excited! 

The PsA Healthline app is truly so much more than just an app- it's a supportive, diverse, and engaging community. I've already met so many wonderful people on this app, and I've only been using the app for two weeks. It's so much more than a support group.

The PsA Healthline app offers:

  • Multiple groups where you can post your personal updates, questions, advice, or whatever you like. Sometimes, my questions feel like they're lost in a sea of posts on my other support groups through social media. But here, I know that my posts are going to the right place. I can also read others' experiences with the same subjects, from mental health to symptoms to alternative treatments.

  • Live discussions are held every Sunday through Thursday at 5:30 PST. Each night has a different subject, and everyone is encouraged to participate! The discussions are very casual, and you can participate as little or as much as you want. You can also leave comments after the conversation has ended! There's so much to learn! 

    On a side note, I'll be a guest host at a live discussion on April 20!

  • 1 to 1 matching with others allows you to meet others with PsA. While matching is optional, it's an awesome way to meet others and connect in a more personal way. It's so fun to meet others from all over the world who are going through the same thing as you!

  • And last but not least, it's a great way to find more information about PsA. You'll find many articles that touch on every part of your life with arthritis, from exercise and diet to medication.
You can download the free app here: https://psa.onelink.me/Banf/e862346d

I hope to see you there- you can find me @GirlwithArthritis


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